Develop a content and email strategy to increase sales online and in-store
Identify strategies to entice locals to shop in the store’s physical location
Reach a wider audience across platforms
1. Initial Assessment and Research:
Review current social media platforms, content, and email campaigns to understand the existing engagement levels and audience demographics.
Analyze competitors' social media presence and email strategies to identify potential gaps and opportunities.
2. Define Objectives:
Clearly outline specific goals for increasing online and in-store sales.
3. Audience Segmentation:
Segment the audience based on demographics, psychographics, and buying behaviors to tailor content and email campaigns effectively.
4. Content Strategy:
Create a mix of engaging content formats including images, videos, user-generated content, and customer testimonials for both in-feed posts and stories.
Incorporate storytelling elements to humanize the brand and connect with the audience emotionally.
Highlight exclusive in-store deals, events, and experiences to entice local shoppers.
5. Email Marketing Strategy:
Audit the current email list and segment subscribers based on their interests, purchase history, and engagement levels.
6. Local Shopper Engagement:
Collaborate with local businesses, schools, and community organizations to promote the store and encourage foot traffic.
Utilize user-generated content showcasing local customers enjoying products or experiences at the store.
Offer incentives such as exclusive in-store discounts or loyalty programs for local customers.
Examples implemented: Johns Hopkins & Towson: First 20 students from each university to show their ID and post their tea on their Instagram story receive free tea
Student Happy Hour Tuesdays: 2P.M. - 6 P.M. 15% off with your student ID
7. Measurement and Analysis:
Generate monthly reports to assess the effectiveness of the strategies implemented and make data-driven adjustments as needed.